Category: Uncategorized

Showing results 37-48 of 48

PPG Presents: Days of Awareness- May 2023

Partners in Project Green shares Days of Awareness each month to spread awareness and start conversations. These days may have a social, historical, religious or sustainable significance. Please note, these…

In the News: Partners in Project Green

In the News: Partners in Project Green Partners in Project Green was recently featured in the Toronto Star and Innovating Canada, a Media Planet Content Hub! With a special interview…

PPG Presents: Days of Awareness- April 2023

Partners in Project Green shares Days of Awareness each month to spread awareness and start conversations. These days may have a social, historical, or sustainable significance worthy of our attention….

lightbulb in grass


GREEN INDUSTRIES NEWS The City of Toronto has signed an agreement with the Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development for funding through the Skills Development Fund (SDF) to…