Waste Diversion Success Stories

Partners in Project Green’s Material Exchange program facilitates the exchange of material generated within our stakeholder community (businesses and non-profit groups) to divert waste from landfill, move towards a circular economy, and strengthen community ties.  

Browse through the case studies down below, which showcase our members’ commitments to a circular economy and giving back. If you would like to see your organization featured in a case study, please contact Darlene Coyle at Darlene.Coyle@trca.ca

Group of women holding the waste bins they received from Newcomer Centre of Peel.

University Health Network: Sends Waste Bins to Newcomers

January 2024

The Bentway: Sends 3 Tonnes of Bamboo for Reuse

November 2023

PPG Member Sends Over-Bed Tables to Toronto School Board

August 2023

City of Mississauga: Hazel McCallion Library Renovation

June 2023

Toronto Metropolitan University: Branded Materials Transition Project

May 2023

Air Canada: Scadding Court Community Centre Masks Exchange

February 2022

New Crayons and Activity Books Sent Across the GTA

October 2020

Maple Leaf Foods: Giving Paraffin Wax Another Use

May 2018

Air Canada: 10,000 Duvets to Community Groups

April 2018

Toronto Zoo: What To Do With A Zoo’s Bamboo?

April 2017

Is your organization looking for help finding a new home for materials? Read about the Material Exchange program for details.