Showing results 61-72 of 150
On May 30th, Partners in Project Green welcomed service providers Enbridge Gas and the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) to provide an overview of available energy incentive programs and ways…
Electric Vehicle Network aims to make the transition to electric cars easy and accessible for anyone!
Partners in Project Green shares Days of Awareness each month to spread awareness and start conversations. These days may have a social, historical, religious or environmental significance. Please note, these…
PPG Members Plant 500 Trees! On Saturday, May 27th, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority’s (TRCA) Partners in Project Green (PPG) Members met at Claireville Conservation Area in Brampton to participate…
The Circular Economy Leaders Consortium Virtual Knowledge Session: Telling Your Sustainability Story On May 16th the Circular Economy Leaders Consortium (CEC) was given an exclusive presentation by Calvin Lakhan, co-investigator…
Toronto Pearson has announced an investment of $95,000 over two years towards the development and initial implementation of a Neighbourhood-wide Urban Agriculture Strategy in Rexdale, through Toronto and Region Conservation…
On April 13th, Partners in Project Green welcomed energy experts Ameresco, SOFIAC & Efficiency Capital for a finance-focused, hybrid workshop designed to bust myths on how Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) work, the costs involved, and…
Attention non-profit organizations! Partners in Project Green’s Material Exchange has a large volume of office furniture available for donation. Those interested in receiving a donation would need to pick-up the…
Looking for ways to engage your company to make positive change in the local community? The Riverwood Conservancy connects Greater Toronto Area (GTA) businesses with the local community through nature…
Partners in Project Green shares Days of Awareness each month to spread awareness and start conversations. These days may have a social, historical, religious or sustainable significance. Please note, these…
The Circular Economy Leaders Consortium Toured TELUS On April 26th, the Circular Economy Leaders Consortium (CEC) participated in a tour of TELUS’ Smart Waste Systems in downtown Toronto. CEC members…
The Corporate Flood and Heat Risk Management Resource Hub is Now Available Human-induced climate change is not only a result of high greenhouse gas emissions but also the displacement of…