Sustainable Winter Management Workshop 2023

On September 14th, 2023, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, Credit Valley Conservation, and Peel Region, brought sustainability professionals, operations and property managers, and winter maintenance contractors together to deliver a half-day workshop on sustainable winter maintenance.

Below, you will find slides from the day’s presenters, a recording of the session, and links to additional resources!

Watch the Full Workshop

Watch a Specific Presentation

Business Case Studies

Seneca College by Courtney Hayes & Stewart Symmons

  • Salt Management Plans
  • Expectations vs. Reality of Winter Maintenance on Campus

Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) by Lorna Murison

  • Assessing Liquid Brine Application
  • Differences in Friction between Permeable & Asphalt Surfaces During Snow Melt

Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) by Lorna Murison

  • Reducing Chloride Application with Liquid Anti-Icers (beat juice and/or salt brine)

A Contractor Perspective

Landscape Ontario by Joe Salemi

  • The Contractor Perspective
  • Liability & Insurance Risks
  • Policy Responses

Liquids Revolution by Dion Sararus

  • What are Liquid De-Icers?
  • How do They Work?
  • What are Common Challenges?
  • What are the Benefits of Using Liquid?

Peel Region by Eleanor Gillon

  • Nagivating the Smart About Salt Website
  • Navigating Peel Region’s Winter Maintenance for Commercial Properties Toolkit
