As a collaborator of the Toronto Inner Harbour Floatables Strategy, Partners in Project Green is thrilled to announce the results of the 2023 Trash Trapping season! From May to October, a variety of trash trapping solutions were implemented along the Toronto waterfront to remove floatable litter from Toronto’s waterways. In total, over 200 kg of anthropogenic litter, including over 66,000 pieces of small plastic, was collected.

A variety of trash collection devices were used throughout the 2023 season, each with their own focus area:
- LittaTrap: This device, from EnviroPod is designed as an insert in a storm drain to filter litter before it can be carried into stormwater systems and into waterways.
- Seabin: This “floating garbage bin” is designed to float on the water and suck up floating litter as it bobs in place. This device has been particularly good at capturing microplastics (items smaller than 5 millimetres)
- Waste Shark: This aquatic drone skims the surface of the water. These have been very effective at capturing large floatable plastic items such as construction foam, food containers, foodware, and more.
- Litter Booms: This floating barrier prevents floating litter from continuing downstream without effecting wildlife from navigating over or under the device. This allows for easy collection and removal of litter.
- Skimming by Hand: Manual removal of litter with the use of nets helps to address problem areas.
Want to get involved and be a part of the solution to reduce floatable plastics?
What is the Floatables Strategy?
The Toronto Inner Harbour Floatables Strategy (Floatables Strategy) is a collaborative strategy with a mission to reduce plastic pollution and other floating litter in the harbour. It is a collaboration between the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority the Toronto Remedial Action Plan, University of Toronto Trash Team, PortsToronto, City of Toronto, Swim Drink Fish, Waterfront Business Improvement Area, Harbourfront Centre, and Waterfront Toronto.
Partners in Project Green oversees the Floatables Strategy on behalf of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority.