Water Stewardship

Discover Smart Solutions For Effectively Reducing Your Water Footprint

Across the Greater Toronto Area and beyond we are faced with increasing frequency and intensity of storm events brought on by climate change and a stronger urgency to better protect and conserve our freshwater resources. Businesses of all sizes and sectors have a unique opportunity and role to play in mitigating and adapting to climate change through sustainable stormwater management and conserving freshwater through water efficiency and treatment solutions.

Whether you’re a large manufacturer with a high land and water footprint or a small processing facility, Partners in Project Green (PPG) can support you in finding solutions that help the environment and save you money through protecting your assets and reducing utility expenses.

Update: City of Mississauga Enhances Stormwater Credit Program

The City of Mississauga completed a review of their Stormwater Charge Credit Program in 2021 and have recently launched an enhanced Stormwater Credit Program in 2023 with more opportunity and greater flexibility!

To help with the transition, you can view the new Stormwater Credit Application Guide or visit their website.

Water Stewardship Programs:

Learn how Green Infrastructure can mitigate climate change on your property.

Sustainable Landscaping Site Assessments are now available for eligible businesses.

This partnership is reducing floatable debris in the Toronto Inner Harbour.

Learn about your Region’s water efficiency programs and incentives.

Learn about the negative impacts of road salt and ways to reduce.

Connect with our Water Stewardship Team

Our program areas are continuously evolving to find ways to help businesses across the GTA improve their water usage and cut costs. Stay tuned for more exciting engagement programs from Partners in Project Green.

For more information about our current offerings or if you are interested in discussing potential new program opportunities, please contact Chaya Chengappa at chaya.chengappa@trca.ca.