M City skyline Mississauga

The Mississauga Climate Leaders Program (MCLP) aims to support local private and public sector leaders committed to measuring and reducing their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and leading Mississauga towards a net zero future.

Delivered by the City of Mississauga in partnership with the Mississauga Board of Trade and Partners in Project Green, the MCLP will provide opportunities for local organizations to promote, develop and advance their sustainability goals through specialized support programs and events.

Delivered by:
In Partnership with:
PPG Logo

What are the benefits for my business?

  • Identify opportunities for GHG reductions and energy efficiency
  • Create a GHG reduction plan for your organization
  • Learn about incentive programs and funding to support project implementation
  • Develop internal expertise through expert-led workshops
  • Network and collaboration opportunities with like-minded businesses

The program includes:

  • Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission & Energy Efficiency Site Assessments*
  • Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission Reduction Plan Training*
  • Capacity-building Workshop Series on the topics of GHG reduction opportunities, employee engagement, and ESG reporting

*Participants must have a non-residential facility located within Mississauga.

Recruitment for 2023 is complete but interested companies are strongly encouraged to fill out the contact form on the MCLP program page in order to be considered for 2024.

Capacity-building Workshops

Join Partners in Project Green and the City of Mississauga for a series of free, action-oriented workshops to help local businesses advance their sustainability priorities and transition towards net zero. Each workshop will provide opportunities to learn from subject matter experts and local business leaders, and problem-solve challenges with like-minded businesses. The series will cover three themes:

Register for one workshop or the entire series below!

GHG Reduction Opportunities

November 28, 2023

Employee Engagement

January 30, 2024

Businesses may register for one or all workshops at no cost. Mississauga-based businesses that participate in all three workshops will be entered into a draw to win free access to the Mississauga Climate Leaders GHG Training Program 2024 Cohort.

Interested in learning more about the Mississauga Climate Leaders Program (MCLP)? Contact Matt Brunette, Program Manager, Energy Performance at matt.brunette@trca.ca