Waste Management

Prevent and Divert Waste, Lower Costs, Support The Environment and Local Communities

Managing waste sustainably is beneficial for all businesses regardless of sector, size, or location. It is also beneficial for the natural environment and mitigating climate change. Through waste prevention and diversion, businesses can reduce costs associated with disposal and procuring new products. When we divert material for reuse, repurposing, remanufacturing, and recycling, we minimize the need for resource extraction to make new products and avoid GHG emissions associated with landfilling material.

Sustainable waste management is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly business strategy that also benefits the wider community. By diverting otherwise wasted goods to communities in need of reuse, or to innovators turning waste into new resources, businesses are supporting the circular economy.

Waste Management Programs:

Are you looking to donate used items?
Are you in need of certain items?

Learn about our annual recycling drive and the successes we’ve seen so far!

Collaborate with organizations working to meet their waste diversion goals!


Read about some of the successful waste diversion efforts through PPG’s waste programs. Hear from organizations donating items for reuse and organizations who have received the items. No exchange is too big or too small!

With all that is happening with PPGs Waste programs, it can be easy to miss something. Check out all that’s new with Waste, including our Circular Economy Leaders Consortium events, MEX results, our annual Recycling Collection Drive and more!

Looking for material not available through the Material Exchange program? Try the Reuse Marketplace by Circular Partners. Shop for an array of locally sourced material for you next project, including textiles and more!

Connect with our Waste Management Team

Our program areas are continuously evolving to find ways to help businesses across the GTA improve on how they manage waste and achieve their waste reduction and diversion goals. Stay tuned for more exciting program offerings in Waste Management from Partners in Project Green.

For more information about our current offerings or if you are interested in discussing potential new program opportunities, please contact Chaya Chengappa at chaya.chengappa@trca.ca