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Does your organization have stuff to get rid of but don’t want to send it to landfill? Partner in Project Green’s Material Exchange program can help!
The Material Exchange program facilitates the exchange of material generated within our stakeholder community to divert waste from landfill and move towards a circular economy. Through this program, organizations provide information about the material they would like to offer. PPG staff then facilitate interactions between participants to complete and promote successful exchanges.
Whether it is a couple items taking up storage space or a larger renovation project, knowing what is to be kept internally and what to get rid of can be a logistical nightmare. Fortunately, this template guides the user into creating a comprehensive project inventory. This will help identify the types of materials that will need to go, in addition to gathering important metrics for tracking and reporting.
Note: Most of the material offered through this program is sent to non-profit and small community organizations. To ensure fair and equitable distribution of resources, it is highly encouraged that organizations submitting material budget for the transportation of materials to their new home.
It also takes time to make connections and find a willing taking for used material. Therefore, the more time given to complete an exchange, the more likely the exchange is to be successful. A minimum 3 weeks is recommended.
Getting Started
To get started, download and complete the inventory template below and send to