Welcome to the Corporate Flood and Heat Risk Management Resource Hub!
The materials for each module and their subsequent chapters are drawn from academic and regulatory sources to provide context for flooding and extreme heat within the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority’s jurisdiction. Test your knowledge on each module with a short quiz and receive a Certificate of Completion!
Understanding Our Connection to Water: An Anishinaabe Woman’s Perspective
Developed by Cambium Indigenous Professional Services

Everyone, including individuals and businesses, have a role to play in protecting and caring for Water. Whether it is an adjacent creek, river, lake, or simply the rain that falls onto one’s property, there is always an opportunity to do our part to ensure that Water is protected and clean.
As Water carriers, care takers, and protectors, Indigenous women of Canada have always fought and advocated for the rights of Water. This module shares an Anishinaabe woman’s perspective on the significance that Water holds, not only through the lens of an Anishinaabe woman, but as a shared connection for all of us residing on this land.

(13 min)

(15 min)

(15 min)

(14 min)
Flood Risk Mitigation and Adaptation Modules
Developed by TRCA’s Sustainable Technologies Evaluation Program (STEP)

Module 1: Introduction and Background of Flooding in the ICI Sector
What is the cost of flooding for the Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional (ICI) and Multi-Unit Residential Building (MURB) sector? How can green infrastructure and low impact development techniques mitigate risk for businesses and the broader community?

(16 min)

(23 min)

(7 min)

(9 min)

(7 min)
Test your knowledge of Module 1 with a short quiz!
Module 2: Types of Flood Risk & TRCA Tools to Protect Your Business
Why do we need to prepare flood mitigation measures? Join us as we discuss the different types of flood risks, how these risks affect businesses, and how to use publicly available floodplain and riverine flood risk tools to manage them. Check if your business is in the floodplain and stay ahead with flood alerts.

(10 min)

(11 min)

(23 min)

(8 min)
Test your knowledge of Module 2 with a short quiz!
Module 3: Current Initiatives and Actions to Address Flood Risks
There is a wide range of available resources to assist sustainability professionals and property managers/owners in preparing flood preparedness and management plans. Check out what is currently being done for the Industrial Commercial and Institutional (ICI) sector to address these risks in addition to available programs and tools.

(19 min)

(18 min)

(33 min)

(16 min)
Test your knowledge of Module 3 with a short quiz!
Module 4: Use of Low Impact Developments & Green Infrastructure to help Manage on-site Stormwater Management Risks
Learn about the effectiveness and adaptability of Green Infrastructure (GI) and Low Impact Development (LID) techniques. We will showcase lifecycle costs of LID, where they are best utilized, and success stories from ICI properties who have adopted these best management practices across the GTA and Southern Ontario!

(75 min)

(16 min)

(18 min)

(43 min)
Case Studies

Test your knowledge of Module 4 with a short quiz!
Heat Risk Mitigation and Adaptation Module
Developed by TRCA’s Ecosystem and Climate Science Team.

What is urban heat, why is it an issue, and how can businesses be part of the solution? This module discusses the challenges of urban heat and details why green infrastructure is a great option for the environment, local communities, and long-term financial savings.

(10 min)

(16 min)

(15 min)
Test your knowledge of Heat Risk Mitigation with a short quiz!
1. Evergreen’s AI for the Resilient City Map
2. US EPA Heat Island Compendium
3. Peel Region Urban Forest Best Practice Guide 4- Potential Street and Park Tree Species for Peel in a Climate Change Context- Contact Us
This Resource Hub includes technical and educational content developed by TRCA’s Sustainable Technologies Evaluation Program (STEP),TRCA’s Ecosystem and Climate Science team, and Cambium Indigenous Professional Services (CIPS).
We would like to thank Credit Valley Conservation Authority’s Greening Corporate Grounds Program for their contribution to the development of this resource hub.

Give us your Feedback
Looking to Apply the Ideas Learned from these Modules?
Contact Chaya Chengappa at chaya.chengappa@trca.ca for more information.