Partners in Project Green shares Days of Awareness each month to spread awareness and start conversations. These days may have a social, historical, or environmental significance. Below is a small sampling of important days to acknowledge or remember this month.
World Press Freedom Day – May 3

The World Press Freedom Day is dedicated to the importance of journalism and freedom of expression in the context of the current global environmental crisis in 2024.
All stories deserve to be told. But this one may be particularly decisive. The climate and biodiversity crisis are not only affecting the environment and ecosystems but also the lives of billions of people around the world. Their stories of upheaval and loss deserve to be known and shared. Exposing the crisis is the first step to solving it. This is why the role of journalists is crucial. On this day, let’s recognize and celebrate their work in helping us shape a better future.
World Migratory Day – May 11 & October 12
In 2024, the World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) will be celebrated on two days, 11 May and 12 October, aligning with the cyclic nature of bird migration in different hemispheres and will stress the need for proactive conservation measures.
This includes reducing the use of pesticides and fertilizers, and where possible, switching to organic farming. This year the WMBD will focus on the importance of insects for migratory birds, and highlight concerns related to decreasing populations of insects. The loss and disturbance of insect populations at breeding sites and along avian migration routes threaten bird survival and well-being.

Ways to Get Involved:
- 2024 Featured Artist is Anna Rose- . Follow @annarosepaints on social media (Facebook and Instagram).
- Learn about the 2024 Features Species- .
- TRCA’s Spring Bird Festival, at Tommy Thompson Park, Toronto on May 11, 2024 –;instance=20240511070000?popup=1.
- High Park Nature Centre’s Birding hike through High Park on May 11, 2024 – .
International Day of Biological Diversity – May 22
The United Nations has proclaimed May 22 as the International Day for Biological Diversity to increase understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues. This day commemorates the adoption of the text of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) on 22 May 1992.
“Be part of the Plan”, is the theme for 2024. It is a call to action for all stakeholders to halt and reverse the loss of biodiversity by supporting the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (The Biodiversity Plan), a historic agreement signed in December 2022 that sets goals and concrete measures to stop and reverse the loss of nature by 2050. This is an ambitious plan, and its implementation requires a whole-of-society approach.

Ways to Get Involved:
- Royal Botanical Gardens – Let’s Go Birding! (for beginners), May 3, 2024 – .
- Partners in Project Green’s annual, Member-only Spring Tree Planting event, May 25, 2024-
- UBC Botanical Garden’s Biodiversity Days events:
- Grow Green Live Series: Edible Gardens and Food Forests on Thursday, May 2, 2024, 12:15pm onward at Metro Vancouver’s Facebook Page. (Virtual)
- Grow Green Live Series: Climate Friendly Gardens on Thursday, May 23, 2024, 12:15pm onward at Metro Vancouver’s Facebook Page. (Virtual)