March Days
March is an exciting month to get outside as it marks the start of Spring or the Spring Equinox. During this time, the Northern Hemisphere begins to tilt towards the Sun causing an increase in our number of daylight hours with earlier sunrises and later sunsets.
Below are just a sampling of important Days of Awareness to acknowledge or remember this month. If we missed any days of importance that should be included, please share them with us.
Contact: Hershil Sheth –
World Wildlife Day- March 3
World Wildlife Day is a United Nation’s (UN) International Day to celebrate fauna and flora around the world and their contribution to our lives and the wellbeing of the planet. The theme for this year is Partnerships for Wildlife Conservation.
This date was chosen as it is the birthday of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) in 1973 and this year CITES celebrates 50 years!
Visit Ontario Nature for ways to support your local wildlife, and help protect endangered species like this beautiful Barn Owl.
Also, remember protecting your local conservation areas means protecting habitats for many species at risk.

International Women’s Day- March 8

International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. This day also calls action to accelerate women’s equality.
This year, the Government of Canada’s theme is Every Woman Counts, a reminder that all women, from all ages and walks of life, have a place in Canadian society.
Celebrate the women in your community with a post on social media and use the hashtag #EmbraceEquity.
Global Recycling Day- March 18
Global Recycling Day promotes the importance of recycling across the world. Recycling helps to conserve natural resources, keep waste out of landfill and reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions.
Mindful actions you can take are participating in local litter clean-ups or simply educating yourself on how to properly dispose of things. Use City of Toronto’s Waste Wizard to help identify what goes where.

World Water Day- March 22

World Water Day highlights the importance of fresh water and advocates for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.
This year is about accelerating change to solve the water and sanitation crisis.
Keep your eye out for the UN’s 2023 World Water Development Report launching on this day!
Earth Hour- March 25
Earth Hour is an hour where the world comes together to do one simple action- switch off the lights!
This day is a symbol of unity, hope, and the demonstration of the power of a collective action for our future and the planet’s.
Spend this hour from 8:30-9:30pm doing something positive for the planet.