Days of Awareness
The Partners in Project Green team have been sharing days of awareness internally for the past year. These days may have a solid social, historical, or sustainable significance worthy of our attention. This year, we would like to share these days with the Partners in Project Green community to spread awareness and start conversations. These are just a sampling of important days to acknowledge or remember. If we missed any days of importance that should be included, please share them with us.
Contact: Hershil Sheth –
February Days
Black History Month
February is Black History Month in Canada and the USA. The 2022 theme for Black History Month is: “February and Forever: Celebrating Black History today and every day”, which focuses on recognizing the daily contributions that Black Canadians make to Canada.
The Government of Canada has a Black History Month Toolkit. You can use it to promote Black History Month all month long.
Throughout the month of February, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) will be celebrating Black History Month via our social channels. Watch for the hashtag #TRCABlackHistoryMonth.
To learn more about Black History in Canada, check out these resources

World Wetlands Day – February 2

A day to raise global awareness about the vital role of wetlands for people and our planet. This day also marks the anniversary of the Convention on Wetlands, which was adopted as an international treaty in 1971. The theme for 2023 is Wetland Restoration. For more information on World Wetlands Day and to learn how you can get involved, visit the World Wetlands Day website.
Closer to home, the TRCA is restoring wetlands in the GTA. Historically, the southern Ontario landscape featured an abundance of wetlands. Unfortunately, this has changed dramatically over time with the Toronto area alone losing more than 85% of its original wetlands. Through the work of the TRCA restored wetlands will increase biodiversity and wildlife habitat, improve water quality, and provide more recreational opportunities (and much more!)
To learn more about how the TRCA is restoring our local wetlands visit Wetlands on the TRCA site.
Random Acts of Kindness Day – February 17
A day celebrated by individuals, groups, and organizations to encourage random acts of kindness. Feeling the kindness spirit this year? You can sign up to be a Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) activist and join a community of 44,561 RAKtivists from 89 different countries. Find out more and get ideas for RAKs from the RAK Foundation website.

Lailat al Miraj – February 18

Lailat al Miraj is a Muslim holiday celebrated on the 27th of Rajab in the Islamic calendar each year. The day celebrates the Prophet Muhammad’s nighttime journey from Mecca to Jerusalem, where he ascended to heaven. It is considered one of the most important days in Islamic practice and is celebrated by Muslims worldwide. Traditions vary between different communities, but it is often commemorated by reciting the story of the Night Journey and Ascension and by attending services at a mosque. The two parts of the Night Journey are Isra’ and Mi’raj which is how some people refer to the celebration as well. People celebrating will often decorate their homes with candles or lights and share meals with family and friends.
World Day of Social Justice – February 20
An international day recognizing the need to promote social justice, which includes efforts to tackle issues such as poverty, exclusion, gender inequality, unemployment, human rights, and social protections. The UN General Assembly started observing World Day of Social Justice in 2009. The 2022 theme was “Achieving Social Justice through Formal Employment. Learn more.

If you have any questions about the Days of Awareness feature, please contact
Hershil Sheth, Events Coordinator –