Circular Economy Leaders Consortium Addresses Circular Procurement Problems

Circular Economy Leaders Consortium Addresses Circular Procurement Problems 

The Circular Economy Leaders Consortium (CEC) held an in-person workshop on June 12th bringing together sustainability and procurement professionals to discuss circular procurement. In this workshop, participants discussed circular procurement outcomes and identified specific criteria for two spending categories, building renovations and product packaging.  

The two groups were engaged in lively discussions about the problems they were facing preventing circular solutions and how they could utilize specific language and requirements in tendering process to ensure circular outcomes. 

Since November of 2023, there have been three workshops centered around engaging organizations in the CEC on circular procurement. Therefore, the group has become quite familiar with the opportunities to instill circular language in all stages of the tendering process.  

Thank you to Circular Innovation Council for their support in leading these workshops!

The Circular Economy Leaders Consortium, offered by Partners in Project Green, is an exclusive group of sustainability professionals seeking to achieve measurable waste prevention and diversion goals with a focus on facility waste management and operations. 

Please visit the Circular Economy Leaders Consortium to learn more and join the CEC. 

Contact: Chaya Chengappa