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On December 8, Partners in Project Green’s hosted the final monthly Green Economy Webinar of the year. The session was moderated by the IESO and welcomed experts from Nahanni Steel Products Inc. and Dishon Limited who discussed their experiences installing energy monitoring equipment, lessons learned, and what advice they would offer other SMEs looking to install similar monitoring systems in their own facilities.

Gonzalo Aleman
Senior Analyst – Independent Electricity System Operator
Gonzalo Aleman is a Senior Analyst at the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) and currently oversees the active Grid Innovation Fund Portfolio of projects. Having spent nearly 10 years at the IESO Gonzalo has worked on a number of key initiatives such as the Feed-In Tariff Program (FIT), the Renewable Energy Standard Offer Program (RESOP), and numerous centrally delivered Conservation and Demand Management (CDM) initiatives through the Save on Energy brand. Gonzalo has a background in Economics and attended York University in Toronto.

Sebastijan Zupanec
General Manager – Nahanni Steel Products Inc.
Since 1992, Sebastijan has grown up in the family business (now in Brampton) absorbing the processes and operations. With past initiatives focused on employee comfort, cost management and environmental responsibilities, this “rookie” in the environmental space, has now begun an initiative toward a formalized EMS and eventually ISO 14001 certification. Focused on top-down leadership with clearly defined processes will ensure future growth and success for Nahanni and its partners.

Nathan Silverman
Business Intelligence Manager – Dishon Limited
Nathan is the Business Intelligence Manager at Dishon Ltd. He joined Dishon as a Mechanical Engineer in 2014 after graduating from the University of Toronto. In 2019 he led the successful implementation of a new ERP system. He now supports all departments and works closely with them to analyze data generated by the ERP system and drive continuous improvement and business growth.
Nathan is a licenced member of Professional Engineers Ontario.