Their Affordable Smart Blue Roof: Enviro-Stewards Head Office

Located in Elmira, Ontario, Enviro-Stewards‘ Affordable Smart Blue Roof (ASBR) system completed in June 2021 serves multiple functions for their building, including climate adaptation, water conservation and energy efficiency.
Blue roofs are an emerging rainwater harvesting technology that stores stormwater on roofs, reducing the amount flowing into the municipal stormwater systems. The Enviro-Stewards ASBR is equipped with smart technology to store, drain, and flush rainwater captured depending on volume and to free up capacity. The water stored on the roof provides thermal benefits by keeping building coolers during hot weather and treated and stored in a tank for reuse in cleaning or greywater applications. For example, Enviro-Stewards treats the rainwater collected on their roof and uses it to flush toilets!
Since its implementation, the Enviro-Stewards ASBR has helped them exceed their GHG emission reduction target of 80% from their 2008 baseline year through improvements in heat loss and gain.
Roofs require regular maintenance, repair and eventual replacement. The Enviro-Stewards ASBR is an example of how you can turn an inevitable expense into an economically and environmentally beneficial opportunity for your facility.
To learn more about the Enviro-Stewards ASBR check out the links below and feel free to contact Enviro-Stewards to discuss options for your own roof.
Check out the Enviro-Stewards Blog to learn more about their blue roof or learn more from their Blue Roof webpage.
Partners in Project Green’s Building a Climate Resilient Business Resource Kit provides a foundation in the basics of current climate science, the impacts of climate change on businesses, and mitigation and adaptation strategies. Please explore these resources and connect with us to advance your organization’s climate resiliency.
Resource Kit Contents
- Climate Change is a Business Risk
- An Overview of Global Climate Change
- How do Scientists Project Climate Futures?
- Changes in Temperature in the Toronto Region over the 21st Century
- Changes in Precipitation in Toronto Region over the 21st Century
- Growing Season and Agriculture
- ESG Reporting Structures
- Human Health
- Buildings and Infrastructure
- Agriculture and Food Security
- Supply Chain Impacts
- Financial and Regulatory Impacts
- Energy Efficiency and Conservation
- Fuel Switching
- Heat Recovery
- Carbon Capture, Utilization and Sequestration/Storage
- Low Carbon Transportation
- Behaviour Change
- Risk Identification
- Risk Analysis
- Risk Evaluation and Prioritization
- Implementation of Risk Interventions
- Monitoring and Review
Case Studies
- Algood Caster Innovations – Fuel Switching for the Environment and Employee Well-Being
- Toronto Pearson – “A Small City” – Scale Stormwater Management and Energy Storage
- Handi Foods – Expanding and Diversifying Supply Chain, Storage and Packaging
- IMAX & Credit Valley Conservation – Stormwater Management Innovation
- Calstone Inc. – Stormwater Source Control Practices
- Metrolinx – Mainstreaming Climate Risk Assessment
- Credit Valley Conservation – Portico Community Church Parking Lot Retrofit