Stormwater Source Control Practices

Calstone Inc. Is a local industrial furniture manufacturer located in Toronto. Calstone Inc. is known for its strong commitment to environmental stewardship and to the local community. In 2014, Calstone Inc. approached PPG for support in creating a new green space for employees. The objectives were to transform an underutilized landscaped area while also helping to reduce stormwater runoff sent to storm sewers and subsequently Highland Creek.
Using a collaborative funding model with support from Earth Day Canada and Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change, Clastone Inc. was able to complete an on-site rainwater harvesting and infiltration project. This included a 9,300 L rainwater cistern and irrigation system to provide a source of water for landscaping, a rear lot infiltration trench, three soakaway ponds and a lined, decorative pond and fountain, all complimented by planting of drought-resistant native plants and shrubs. These projects help divert 4 of 6 roof drains away from the municipal storm sewers representing approximately 1.8 million L of runoff in an average year.
These projects not only help restore the water cycle and water quality within the Highland Creek watershed but offer a welcoming space for employees and serve as a unique demonstration site for corporate water stewardship.
Calstone Inc. Learned some valuable lessons through monitoring of these projects related to cold weather climate considerations, the value of a systems approach to LID, and how to design with adjacent lots in mind.
For more information on their sustainable technology and stormwater management, check out these Links:
- Sustainable Technologies Evaluation Program Technical Brief:
- Worldwater Stormwater Management:
- Water Innovations Magazine:
- Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine:
Partners in Project Green’s Building a Climate Resilient Business Resource Kit provides a foundation in the basics of current climate science, the impacts of climate change on businesses, and mitigation and adaptation strategies. Please explore these resources and connect with us to advance your organization’s climate resiliency.
Resource Kit Contents
- Climate Change is a Business Risk
- An Overview of Global Climate Change
- How do Scientists Project Climate Futures?
- Changes in Temperature in the Toronto Region over the 21st Century
- Changes in Precipitation in Toronto Region over the 21st Century
- Growing Season and Agriculture
- ESG Reporting Structures
- Human Health
- Buildings and Infrastructure
- Agriculture and Food Security
- Supply Chain Impacts
- Financial and Regulatory Impacts
- Energy Efficiency and Conservation
- Fuel Switching
- Heat Recovery
- Carbon Capture, Utilization and Sequestration/Storage
- Low Carbon Transportation
- Behaviour Change
- Risk Identification
- Risk Analysis
- Risk Evaluation and Prioritization
- Implementation of Risk Interventions
- Monitoring and Review
Case Studies
- Algood Caster Innovations – Fuel Switching for the Environment and Employee Well-Being
- Toronto Pearson – “A Small City” – Scale Stormwater Management and Energy Storage
- Handi Foods – Expanding and Diversifying Supply Chain, Storage and Packaging
- Enviro-Stewards – Affordable Smart Blue Roof at Head Office
- Credit Valley Conservation – Portico Community Church Parking Lot Retrofit
- Metrolinx – Mainstreaming Climate Risk Assessment
- IMAX & Credit Valley Conservation – Stormwater Management Innovation