Financing Net Zero: Alternative Financing Models Agenda


1:00pm10 mins.Opening Remarks & PPG IntroHybrid
1:10pm60 mins. PresentationsHybrid
2:10pm25 mins.Q & A Session Hybrid
2:35pm10 mins. BreakOnline Portion Ends
2:45pm90 mins. Breakouts In-person
4:15pm15 mins. Closing RemarksIn-person

Partners in Project Green (PPG) will open the conversation by providing an overview of alternative financing models and terminology delivered by PPG to set a foundation for the workshop. This will be followed by three short presentations delivered by our presenting partners Ameresco, SOFIAC, and Efficiency Capital. Partner presentations will further distinguish between their respective approaches and how they support organizations with accessing financing and funding for their net-zero goals.


Following the presentations, the event will shift into round-robin style breakouts with presenting partners. The audience will be divided into three equal groups and have an opportunity to directly meet with each presenting partner. This provides an ideal opportunity for attendees to ask their questions in a more intimate setting and determine which approach best suits their net-zero projects. Presenting partners will meet with each group for a set time before rotating on to the next group, ensuring that everyone has an opportunity for engagement and discussion.