ELC Site visit: Humber College SWITCH Project Home > ELC Site visit: Humber College SWITCH Project ELC Site Visit – Humber College SWITCH Project Please register for the site visit to the SWITCH Project at Humber College’s North Campus on October 30th, 2024. We look forward to seeing you there! Name of Organization(Required) How many participants will be attending on behalf of your orgranization?(Required) 1 2 Name (Participant #1)(Required) First Last Designation/ Title(Required) Phone (Participant #1) Please indicate any dietary restrictions for Participant #1(Required) Name (Participant #2) First Last Designation/ Title (Participant #2) Phone (Participant #2) Please indicate any dietary restrictions for Participant #2 What is your organization hoping to learn/ take away from this event?(Required) Want to invite a non-ELC guest? Please give their name and email or phone number and we will get in touch with them.